Friday, October 7, 2011

Week 5-Pro Blog Review

For this week, I'll review  The Hawley Blog is an interesting sort of blog concerning bikers, bicycles, and all things concerning the bicyclists world.  The blog is California based and an interesting read.  The Hawley blog reviews various types of equipment for cyclists, as well as bicycles themselves.  An established blogger for the California area, the blog is read by people mostly interested in Mountain or Offroad biking.

The style of writing and the presentation of the site is great.  I find the photos, wording, and bursts of funny material to be a lighthearted approach to blogging about what could be a fairly dry subject.  Keeping in mind that "Bloggy," the website's anonymous blogger, is a real world biker lends a level of credence to what is written in the blog.

In the latest blog entry, Bloggy has encountered a familiar issue to bikers: the dreaded "right of way jogger."  After getting banged up, Bloggy uses the issue to segue into a review of gloves that may have saved his hands during the encounter.  Using this approach to reviews is a great way to get people's interest and get the information out.  Overall I find the blog to be spot on.

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