Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 8 - Final Post

Alas, we have come to the end of the project.  Just as I was getting to the good stuff, it is time to bring this franchise train to a screeching halt at the station.  Ah well, it is for the best.  I fear that if I were to ponder this idea any further, I may full well give away the keys to world domination, and entrepreneurial gold.

Through the first half of the semester, I have explored several key aspects of making my empire a gold standard in the industry.  Those of you willing to take my ideas and run with them will do well in the world, those of you that turn your nose up and laugh at my ideas will simply perish from the money making realm called "entrepreneurialism."

Stay tuned next year as my shop for custom built bicycles comes to fruition.  Those of you that are in need of steady employment, an awesome work environment, and steady pay, please send me your resume and a 15 page essay on how you would assist me in my bid to take over the entrepreneurial world, one custom built bicycle at a time (no less than 20,000 words, or a cleverly worded anecdote of not less than 10,000 words).

Links to my comments on others' blogs:

The Adventures of a Techie
The Glass of Tomorrow
Full Body Run Suit

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